Monday, January 24, 2011

Starting Fresh

Every day is a new day,
I'm thankful for every breath I take.
I won't take it for granted,
So I learn from my mistakes.

Those are words from a great song that just popped in to my head. It's called "I Feel So Alive" by P.O.D.

Anyway, now that that's out of my system I'm going to write what I set out to write, namely about my day of P90Xing with my friend Bryan. Today was day one. Just to clarify, I have set out to do this program on more than one occasion. The first time was a bust; I think I lasted only two days. The second time was a sorry attempt too (I only got through the first week of which there are 13). The last time was pretty sad as well, going only three days (I used my funky work schedule as an excuse). This time is going to be for real. What's the difference? I leave in less than three months for boot camp.

Yeah...I know.

That's not a whole lot of time to be ready to run and do push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups. I need to be ready because there is no way I'm going to get there and be the fat dude that can't do anything. Nope. I'm not going to allow it to happen. But I digress.

Today's workout was intense. Chest and back all day. It was filled with, you guessed it, push-ups and pull-ups and some other back exercises. Even though it was hard I still had a good time. Lucky for me Bryan was there because I probably wouldn't have pushed myself so hard. After the workout, I cooked for us both and we had a pretty decent meal. The whole time we were talking to my mom about working out the next day...tomorrow is plyometrics. That workout is beast.

All in all it was a good day. I got to workout with Bryan and then got to hang with three of our other friends, two of which are going to come over to my house tomorrow to participate in the festivities that are P90X plyometrics. It should prove to be a good day.

As for now, it's time to get some sleep so that I can be energized for tomorrow. Plus I'm sore already and my arms are hurting while I'm typing.


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